
Advokatės G. Bernotės kontora

I am Gintarė Bernotė, a lawyer with more than 5 years of legal work experience.

I graduated from Vilnius University, worked in an international, listed, state-owned company, where I gained experience in corporate management, so I am no stranger to issues related to collegial supervisory and management bodies. I have experience working in law firms, where I had to work with various types of legal issues.

I have repeatedly contributed to the preparation of amendments to various legal acts by providing my insights and observations.

I advise clients remotely on various legal issues, prepare legal documents, represent clients in negotiations, state institutions and courts. I pay great attention to the analysis of documents and factual circumstances, therefore I expect active cooperation from clients.

Although the work of lawyers is not easy, I know that every problem solved is worth the effort. I try to guide each client through the maze of the legal process, explaining their rights and answering their questions. The most important thing to me is to make sure my clients' rights are protected, they feel understood, safe and respected.

Why Amberliti?

  • Special attention to the customer;

  • We are innovative - we provide legal services remotely;

  • We promptly resolve relevant legal issues and disputes for you;

  • Priority for peaceful dispute resolution;

  • We want the client to know the real assessment of the situation, whatever it may be.

Amberliti advokatų kontora savo atsidavimą, galimybes ir įgūdžius, taip pat motyvaciją ir žmogiškąjį indėlį skiria tam, kad būtų išspręstos iškylančios teisinės problemos.

Amberliti požiūris bei vertybės padeda užtikrinti, kad visuose mūsų priimamuose sprendimuose didžiausias dėmesys būtų skiriamas klientų interesams ir poreikiams.